Decoding Math is our signature teacher training program.

In Part 3, we meet together "live" online via Zoom each month and take a deeper dive into the Decoding Math content. Come discuss what you’re learning, see the methods modeled, ask questions, learn even more, practice with targeted assignments, and receive access to additional resources that support implementation. The Full Course + Live totals 45 hours and is eligible for 3 graduate credits through Gordon College for an additional $225.

Register for Decoding Math
Part 3: Live Online

Get the training, materials, and support you need and become the math educator you aspire to be.

What is Decoding Math?

Decoding Math is an approach to instruction that first and foremost is aligned with the science of teaching and learning. Next, it uses effective visual representations and tools like dot patterns and Cuisenaire rods to develop conceptual understanding and efficient strategies. Third, it uses a methodology that is explicit, systematic, multisensory, and cumulative in nature. Put together, this approach can be thought of as Structured Numeracy.

Register for Decoding Math Part 3: Live Online

Get the training, materials, and support you need and become the math educator you aspire to be.